Robert Cole

Managing Director at Centre for Change Management.
C4CM™ is the only nationally recognised qualifications centre in Change Management. Designed for professionals in the business of organisational change, C4CM™ qualifications are work based qualifications within the Qualifications Credit Framework. In particular they deliver the change components of the National Occupational Standards for Management and Leadership.
Find out more about Centre for Change Management at
C4CM™ is the only nationally recognised qualifications centre in Change Management. Designed for professionals in the business of organisational change, C4CM™ qualifications are work based qualifications within the Qualifications Credit Framework. In particular they deliver the change components of the National Occupational Standards for Management and Leadership.
Find out more about Centre for Change Management at
Written Articles
In a project ‘change management’ typically means controlling change to the project assets – especially the project documentation. There is an established process and responsibility for this control mechanism. However, the purpose of many projects in a business is to prepare capabilities that will be used to change the business. So change management in a […]