Tobias Andersson

Tobias Andersson is chief operating officer at Projectplace, the Sweden-based cloud collaboration pioneer whose customers include thousands of SMEs around Europe as well as global brands such as BskyB, Vodafone and Carlsberg.
Written Articles
Within the next few years, businesses and the lives of their employees will transform beyond many peoples’ imagination. As we enter an age of complete connectivity, high-speed mobile and cloud technology already enable flexible working from home and adapting people’s schedules to their needs. The question is how it will improve businesses’ productivity? Will it […]
Within the next few years, businesses and the lives of their employees will transform beyond many peoples’ imagination. As we enter an age of complete connectivity, high-speed mobile and cloud technology already enables flexible working from home and adapt their schedules to their needs. The question is how it will improve businesses’ productivity? Will it […]