Friday, July 26, 2024

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HomeGeneralSEO tips and...

SEO tips and hints for startup businesses following the Google penguin and panda updates

One of the most widely used forms of online marketing is search engine optimisation (SEO). This is primarily because of its ability to reach large volumes of a business’s demographic and its relatively cost effective nature. When done properly, it can propel a business to the top of Google and other search engines and pull in plenty of highly targeted, organic traffic. However in this post Panda and Penguin world what can a small business do to get it’s self visible in the search engine rankings. Let’s now go over some SEO techniques along with some hints and tips for startup businesses.

Guest Posts

Creating guest posts for relevant websites and blogs can be an incredibly powerful way to build backlinks while generating direct traffic at the same time. It works by contacting a website owner or blogger in your niche and asking if they would allow you to create a guest post. From there, you will need to write a helpful and insightful article that will naturally pique the interest of their audience. This can have profound results when their audience shares your content with others and visits your website directly. Since a website owner or blogger’s audience is likely to trust that person, it tends to make it easier for you to gain their trust as well. Over time, you can expect a pretty serious SEO boost and improved rankings.

Video Content

Another idea involves creating video content using a free online video editor. Due to the fact that humans are visual creatures and not always interested in reading long winded articles, videos can be very helpful for reaching lots of people while also appealing to search engines. For this technique, you will need to create a brief but quality video about the products or services that your business offers. In most cases, you will want to keep it somewhere between two to five minutes with no longer than ten minutes at most, although even a 60 second video can be very effective at getting the message across. From there, you should embed it within the content of your website and also on video sharing sites like YouTube. Doing so should help familiarize consumers with your products or services and should get indexed by search engines. Don’t be deterred by thinking you have to invest lots of time and money in creating a video as there are many companies now that will create short, inexpensive animated videos.

Integrating traditional PR

It can also behoove you to utilize traditional PR to get your start up off the ground and running. For example, you should build a relationship with the journalists in the relevant trade journal and local press. Advertising in there publications can be useful in building the initial contacts, they may also be interested in competition.  An editorial like from one of these journals will almost always be high authority and relevance.

Along with this, it’s smart to take advantage of Google plus and author rank. These platforms were created as a way to rank the overall quality of an author’s work so that search engines can provide users with the best possible results. For this reason, you should sign up with Google plus if you haven’t already and fill out your profile and link it to you blog profile. From there, you can gradually build your credibility and your content should rank highly as long as it’s of good quality.

In addition, it’s critical that you track your SEO campaign. By utilizing a platform like Google Analytics, you can keep track of all aspects of your marketing and SEO. One of the best features is the ability to monitor which keywords are being searched for and which ones are bringing you the most organic traffic. After you learn what’s working and what’s performing poorly, you can tweak your SEO campaign accordingly. Consequently, you should be able to improve your efficiency and effectiveness while saving time.

Contact SBSEO for more advice

Since SEO can be somewhat complicated, it’s smart to utilise SEO consultancy services like SBSEO. They can help you get your SEO campaign on track and outperform your competitors.

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