Project managers

someone looking at their laptop

An IT project leader’s guide to rebooting a failing IT project: post-its, PMaaS, possibilities and p-p-p-enguins!

Your IT Project is heading off course, out of control and heading at speed to become part of those often-quoted failure statistics … what do you do?Panic? Head to the nearest bar?Do nothing and hope for the best? Or … implement a cunning plan that saves the day (Editor’s Note: Then head to the nearest […]

An IT project leader’s guide to rebooting a failing IT project: post-its, PMaaS, possibilities and p-p-p-enguins! Read More »

Dog sitting next to a trophy.

Unleashing success! What IT Project Management can learn from Crufts

If you’ve ever trained a puppy, you’ll know the value of a “treat” to reward good behaviour, like sitting or staying on command. I think most dogs know the word “biscuit” before they learn their own name, mind you, I know some PMs who are as partial to a bourbon or chocolate malted milk, she writes dunking a digestive! At Crufts I saw a lot of treats passed from owner to dog with a “good boy” or “good girl”. Rewards are vital to the process.

Unleashing success! What IT Project Management can learn from Crufts Read More »

lightbulb with a trail of fog/smoke

From ‘a meh thing’ to amazing! How PMaaS can help build innovation into IT Projects

Experience and anecdotal evidence suggest that Bex isn’t alone in seeking a little bit more. In many organisations now, IT project teams feel that the necessary fixed scope, set budgets, tight deadlines, limited resources and defined roles and responsibilities, leave little or no room for experimentation and innovation.

The thing is, if you’re getting the results, do you need the added sizzle of innovating?

I think that you do.

From ‘a meh thing’ to amazing! How PMaaS can help build innovation into IT Projects Read More »

Man with Swizz army knife.

Every IT project needs a Dale!

This is one of the things I love about Stoneseed, our team, and the culture we have evolved. When we talk about someone behind their back, it’s always positive and hugely complimentary! 

If you haven’t yet had the pleasure, Dale Beeton is Stoneseed’s Head of Client Engagement and, as our clients will attest, he is one of those “extra milers” that make a real difference – and not just from a business perspective.

Every IT project needs a Dale! Read More »

A man staring at a blank wall but there's text on the imagine that says transformation and has bar underneath the writing going from 0% to 100%

Total Enterprise Reinvention? Sweeping digital transformation will need new brooms!!!

The next couple of years will see extensive Digital Transformation and regeneration of many, if not most, businesses and organisations.  

It’s not a bold or groundbreaking prediction, I mean, it’s happening already! Game changing technologies are revolutionising business operations and outcomes the so-called Industrial Revolution 4.0 is well underway, Accenture are even talking of an advanced group, The Reinventorsm who, they say are embracing “Total Enterprise Reinvention” – a “deliberate strategy centred on a strong digital core.”  

Digital transformation, regeneration, reinvention – there’s quite the frisson of excitement where it’s happening … but I do foresee a problem that few are talking about …   

… the digital elephant in the room is …  

… where are all the IT Project Managers coming from to manage all these HUGE IT projects?

Total Enterprise Reinvention? Sweeping digital transformation will need new brooms!!! Read More »

A crystal ball with the year 2029 on it with someone's hands hovering over the crystal ball.

It’s 2029 and IT project management is the planet’s most in-demand skill

In a recent blog, TOP 3 WAYS TO RETAIN IT PROJECT TALENT AND HOW TO REMAIN EFFECTIVE WHEN YOU CAN’T I shared a Director People’s story of how a candidate had flipped this perennial interview question and asked, “Where does the company see me?”

There must be something in the air! This week, another HR Director called to canvass my thoughts – An applicant had trumped this by asking … WHERE DO YOU SEE THE IT PROJECT MANAGEMENT INDUSTRY IN FIVE YEARS?

Great question! BIG QUESTION!

Like us all, the candidate was mindful about the impact of AI, but there’s an exciting prediction from the “Future of Project Management” (a collaborative “living” thought leadership initiative) about where Project Management might fit within organisations by the end of the decade – read on to find out more!

It’s 2029 and IT project management is the planet’s most in-demand skill Read More »

team work hands

How Knowing Your PM’s Favourite Rom-Com and BA’s Dog’s Name Could Help Optimise IT Project Success!

Isn’t it beautiful when an IT Project team execute and implement with total cohesion from top to bottom? When colleagues become team-mates, and when leaders understand who they are leading, I think a team becomes almost unbeatable. LESSONS FROM A LEGEND The passing of the legendary footballer Sir Bobby Charlton, which is fairly fresh news

How Knowing Your PM’s Favourite Rom-Com and BA’s Dog’s Name Could Help Optimise IT Project Success! Read More »