
Written Articles
Here is a lesson I learned when doing a project review. I guess I knew it all along but it was certainly brought home to me when I did the review. A large public corporation had just finished a project. It had been difficult to say the least. It was well over budget and time. […]
Having worked in project management for many years and also involved in delivering training courses for project managers, there are lots of examples of how applying the right approach has proven successful. Here is one relating to risk management. In a major company wide project to implement a new system, we spent several weeks doing […]
A lesson I learned many years ago from a very experienced project manager related to managing the changes in a project. The project was nearing completion but was over budget and over time. I was not managing the project. It was being managed by a colleague from the same company I was working with at […]
Here is another lesson I learned from a real life project. This one relates to managing issues. On one occasion I was called in to look at a struggling project. The project had about 100 staff but seemed to be going around in circles. Progress had slowed if not stopped. The first task was to […]
What is the problem the project is trying to solve? Think about your current project. Can you answer that question? Why is it even important? Every project is trying to solve a problem. The problem may be: We cannot cross a river There is an opportunity to claim a niche market Our software is no […]
I often see project managers spend hours using their project management software to track each variation to a task. First it would take 2 days, and then 2.5 days then 3.5 days then back to 2.5 days. Is this what project management is all about? I would strongly suggest not. Here is an analogy. A […]
What comes to mind when you say project management software? Typically Microsoft Project. Maybe something like Primavera or another scheduling package but creating the schedule is only part of what a project management tool needs to do. Project management is not just about managing the schedule. Here are some other functions that you need to […]