Sunday, September 15, 2024

The latest news from the world of project management

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Failure Is the new success. Here are five ways that you can embrace...

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Why do projects fail? It's a question that invites a lot of interest and...

Embrace the change: Getting...

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What makes a successful project manager is a combination of their academic abilities,...
HomeNewsPA Consulting employees...

PA Consulting employees among world’s first Chartered Project Professionals

Global innovation and transformation consultancy PA Consulting (PA) today announces that 10 of its employees have been awarded with Chartered Project Professional (ChPP) status making them some of the first of their kind in the world. The ChPP standard is a professional benchmark exclusively awarded by the Association for Project Management (APM), the chartered body for the project profession. It demonstrates attainment of a defined level of technical knowledge, professional practice and ethical behaviour. 

10 PA project management experts Emma Burrows, Trevor Birch, Roger Byrne, Alex Garrard, Mark Harper, Andy Hockley, Isabelle Linden, Rob McDonald, Alex McNichol and Mike Wallace, form part of the group.  

The individuals have been recognised as experts in project and programme delivery and being a ‘safe pair of hands’ for challenging client projects. The endorsement reflects personal development over a number of years and a commitment to continued excellence in their chosen field. The Chartership also demonstrates the increased status of project management in organisations/clients and the public.

PA Consulting’s Emma Burrows ChPP, one of those awarded with Chartership, comments: “I have been operating with the P3M domain for over 15 years within several organisations and across a number of different markets. Chartership is a huge step in consolidating and underpinning the experiences that I have gained and also provides the clients that I work alongside with the confidence and assurance that they are getting ‘qualified’ advice and support.

“I genuinely feel privileged to be one of the first to take the step into Chartership and will be hugely proud to attain ChPP status.”

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