Friday, September 13, 2024

The latest news from the world of project management

How to fail well...

Failure Is the new success. Here are five ways that you can embrace...

5 Skills Needed To...

Why do projects fail? It's a question that invites a lot of interest and...

Embrace the change: Getting...

New IT systems for a growing business can be an exciting prospect and...

Does a Project Manager...

What makes a successful project manager is a combination of their academic abilities,...

Tag: Communication

Why We Need Cross-Generational Tools

Find out why the project management tools you use have to work for everyone - regardless of generation, experience or background. And find out how you can make that happen!

Not knowing is no longer...

A number of recent examples from the...

Why We Need Cross-Generational Tools

Find out why the project management tools you use have to work for everyone - regardless of generation, experience or background. And find out how you can make that happen!

Why We Need...

Find out why the project management tools you use have to work for everyone - regardless of generation, experience or background. And find out how you can make that happen!

Not knowing is...

A number of recent examples from the corporate arena illustrate that being oblivious to unethical or illegal behaviour happening within an organization is not...

7 Silver bullets...

Office politics! Working in IT Project Management, given the profession's prominent role in the facilitation of business strategy and driving business change, you'd think we'd...

7 Reasons why...

"You're so passionate about Project Management, you should write a blog about it," one of my colleagues said a couple of years back. That's how...

Why you should...

"If you get the gig, where would you want to work after here?" As a recruitment specialist, my ears pricked up. I heard this conversation in...

When IT Project...

Have you ever toiled with a cursed IT Project? Imagine your server not arriving because there is a man standing on a gantry on the...

A promotion is...

When motivating IT Project Management team members, praise, gratitude and recognition for 'a job well done' can be as powerful as a raise, a...

There are no...

A conversation with a clerk in a HR department looking to ‘buy’ some training for a staff member and the passing of English actor,...

New technologies revolutionise...

Experts agree that as the world becomes fully connected, a non-stop, always-on communicative environment is changing the way we live and work, making project...

Create a website from scratch

With Newspaper Theme you can drag and drop elements onto a page and customize them to perfection. Try it out today and create the perfect site to express yourself!