Friday, September 13, 2024

The latest news from the world of project management

How to fail well...

Failure Is the new success. Here are five ways that you can embrace...

5 Skills Needed To...

Why do projects fail? It's a question that invites a lot of interest and...

Embrace the change: Getting...

New IT systems for a growing business can be an exciting prospect and...

Does a Project Manager...

What makes a successful project manager is a combination of their academic abilities,...
HomeTagsPmo flashmob

Tag: pmo flashmob

Beyond Portfolio Reporting

The Challenges and Reality of Portfolio Management Early...

PMO Manifesto Launch

The PMO Manifesto, guiding principles for the...

Beyond Portfolio Reporting

The Challenges and Reality of Portfolio Management Early December in London’s Fleet Street and PMO Flashmob – the PMO networking group – hosted the first ‘PMO Managers’ Lunch’. These events bring together PMO Managers, from a number of different industries, to talk in-depth about a particular PMO topic. At this lunch, the subject was “Beyond portfolio reporting – the challenges and reality of portfolio management”. As organisations look to improve on the returns from strategy development and increase maturity in programme and project management delivery capability, portfolio management has increasingly...

Beyond Portfolio Reporting

The Challenges and Reality of Portfolio Management Early December in London’s Fleet Street and PMO Flashmob – the PMO networking group – hosted the first...

PMO Manifesto Launch

The PMO Manifesto, guiding principles for the PMO profession, is launched at Ticketmaster’s HQ in London on Thursday 20th February. The new Manifesto will invite...

PMO Flashmob

There's a new type of networking in town for people who work within PMOs - the PMO Flashmob. PMO flashmob is a monthly social meetup...

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