Friday, September 13, 2024

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HomeGeneralWhat Is PRINCE2?

What Is PRINCE2?

Were you aware that more than half of all business projects which are started are never finished? Among the projects that are completed, most could have been done sooner, to a higher degree of quality or at a lower cost. A well designed project management system helps managers use their time well and lead their team in the best possible way, by making sure that the project is planned and carried out using a proven system that yields results.

The acronym PRINCE stands for PRojects IN Controlled Environments and is a project management method that helps you run a project efficiently and successfully. This system is both generic and flexible so that can be used for all types of projects. PRINCE2 was developed from the earlier version, PRINCE. This second version improves on the first one by having detailed input from users, project management specialist and a panel of 150 organisations from both the public and private sector. It’s the standard project management system used extensively by the UK government, in North America and around the world.

Why Use PRINCE2?

Using this project management system in your business or organization will save hours of time and a great deal of money on man-hours. Get projects done on time, at cost and deliver top quality results to your customers. You’ll be able to start projects with a clear vision on how you will get to the end result and how the inevitable problems are solved.

This system helps project managers organize the project in the areas of starting a project, initiating the project, directing the project, controlling a stage, managing the stage boundaries, delivering the project and closing the project. The system is generic in nature and can be tailored and scaled to fit the needs of your situation.

Benefits of Training

1. You’ll learn how to apply this management approach to your company and improve the quality and speed of the projects that you complete.
2. You’ll decrease your chances of being short listed since you’ll possess a valuable skill set that employers will look upon highly.
3. Increase your work efficiency so that you free up valuable time for other tasks. This method can even be applied in other areas of your life, not just in the office.

Get Trained Today

Help your team run its next project smoothly and successfully by getting trained and accredited. Parallel Project Training offers the training that you need to become a PRINCE2 accredited project manager. Don’t waste your time trying to learn all the details of this project management system by yourself when you can learn from someone who is experienced in using it and can show you how to maximize your results. You’ll receive all the training, using innovative active learning methods, that you need to apply and use this method in your company. When you are done you’ll be able to sit the exams to become a certified practitioner. Don’t delay, call us today!

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