Project Management has become a major factor in corporate success. The field has developed into such a high demand industry that companies are paying top dollar for the most skilled practitioners of the method. Every aspect of business involves project management, from top to bottom, and knowledgeable professionals certified in understanding the science of how project teams work have never been of greater value in business than they are today. There is no greater proof of having a qualified complete understanding of Project Management than passing the Project Management APM PMQ exam (previously the APMP exam). However, it is only one step in the journey towards professional project management and it is likely that many people new to project management will start out with a Project Fundamentals course and qualification such as APM PFQ.
Project Management professionals world wide recognize an Association of Proposal Management Professionals certification as a core sign of one’s qualifications as a
project manager. This is in part due to the reputation the certification holds as a tool to advance the sciences, arts, and technology of new business, but it can also be attributed to the challenging body of knowledge that must be mastered in preparation for the
APM PMQ exam. Key components required to being a successful project manager are are assessed by the
APM PMQ exam.
Course material required by the Association of Proposal Management Professionals embodies over 35 core knowledge area of project management including budgeting and conflict management, cost management, communication, leadership, negotiation, procurement, sponsorship, earned value management, and teamwork. Achieving such an expansive understanding of project management without some form of educational supplement can be daunting. Parallel Project Training is accredited by the association for project management to provide that exact supplementation. All of the required elements of APM (IPMA Level D, SCQF Level 7), as a knowledge base qualification, are provided through the Parallel Project Training System, and ultimately enforce the core knowledge base requirements through module instruction. Study options include
- Face to face class room training in London our Reading. With Parallel Project Training you can be sure your course wil run at its advertised location and date, we have never canceled an APM PMQ course. To register for the course visit, APM PMQ training” href=””>APM PMQ Training
- Distance learning package, including a printed study guide, on-line e-learning, podcasts, on-line study group. For full details visit our APM PMQ distance learning page.
- Corporate project management training, either by distance learning or face to face, for groups in one company. Quite often these courses can be tailored to meet the specific training needs of the organisation.
Using the Parallel Learning System to prepare for the APM PMQ
The Parallel Project Training System offers many advantages when preparing for the exam. It’s a 5 day project management training course that offers multiple mp3 podcast shows, an advanced in-depth high quality study guide, and seven APM accredited e-learning module. Parallel Project Training will prepare any business minded individual interested in commanding a better understanding of how to manage a project. The system helps business practitioners to apply the principles of project management to their projects, take the APM Professional exam with a solid understanding of what it takes to pass, and to explain the benefits of project management to colleagues. The training is taught in the form of classroom based training in a distance learning through over 155,000 free iTunes podcast downloads. In addition to being an excellent resume booster this level of educations can’t help but come in handy when applied within the workplace.
Project Management is a valued critical aspect of corporate practice and governance. Organizing each factor for optimal efficiency is a detailed and complex endeavor that if carried out by an untrained professional can result in reduced business sustainability and open a company up to more risk than reward. Parallel Project Training is essential for instilling the knowledge based requirements necessary for passing the APM exam. The exam itself is a core benchmark in distinguishing those who would be Project Management professionals from mere students of the field. The concept of Project Management as a practice is only going to grow more in-depth and expansive a time passes, and developing a solid understanding of the factors that play into passing the APM exam are only going to become more mandatory whether passing the exam is one’s intention or not. Register for the Parallel Project Training System to get early leg-up on business colleagues and competitors alike.