Friday, September 13, 2024

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HomeGeneralProject manager mistakes...

Project manager mistakes you need to stop making

There are some common project manager mistakes you might make that are obvious. Unfortunately, though, there are others that you may not realise that you are making. The obvious ones, like promising too much and not being able to deliver it, are an obvious trap that it is all too easy to fall into. It’s the ones that are less obvious that you need to really look out for because if you don’t you are risking the success of your project.

The mistakes to look out for

There are a number of project manager mistakes that are all too easy to miss but that are well worth looking out for. These include:

  • Lack of sufficient detail in a project plan – a project plan is essential. However, if it isn’t detailed enough then you may well end up with an inefficient project when it comes to scheduling tasks. You may also end up with team members who are not as committed as you need them to be because their responsibilities are not fully understood.
  • An organisational culture not ready for project management – if tasks are allotted to individuals, but the right training or tools isn’t there, then your team will be unproductive, and this can have a very negative effect on the company. The end results can be failed projects, loss of money and a dent in the company’s reputation.
  • Not embracing project management training – professional training is always important. Even those people with plenty of qualifications can benefit from additional training to refresh their skills and update themselves on the latest industry techniques and thoughts. Training makes employees feel like they are being invested in, and are important, and it can boost retention rates.
  • Projects that don’t fit with the strategic direction of the organisation – working on projects that add no value to your organisation is a big mistake. They do not support the enhancement, replacement, and development of processes, services or products, nor do they support organisational or departmental strategic plans.

Mistakes you should stop making

Whilst there are some project mistakes that you may be able to rectify over time and with experience, there are also those that you really need to stop making quickly. This is because they can be detrimental to your project. These include:

·       Improperly managing project risk

·       Creating a project plan that is not detailed enough

·       Not embracing the idea of project management training

·       Project scope that isn’t clear

·       Not following a process

·       Showing stress

·       Being resistant to any types of change

·       Choosing to prioritise your budget or scope over quality

·       Allowing scope creep in

·       A lack of communication

·       Mismanaging the expectations of the project and the team

·       Choosing the wrong project team or the wrong skillsets for the project

·       Not acknowledging employee work performance on projects

·       Having a culture within the company that is not prepared for project management

·       Choosing to run projects that do not fit in with the strategic direction of your organisation

·       Thinking that software will solve all of your project problems

·       Doing everything yourself instead of delegating

·       Micromanaging your team

If you are doing any of these things, then you need to take a look at how you are working and make changes that will help to improve your projects.

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