Saturday, July 27, 2024

The latest news from the world of project management

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Why take the APM PMQ exam

In the UK it is a very competitive business environment, and a person with management experience is usually highly sought after. Today there are a lot of project managers trying to compete for the best positions. The question is what can a person do to stand out from the rest of the crowd. What a lot of smart project managers are doing to give themselves an edge is taking management training from an accredited training program. Part of what some training and leadership programs are offering is extensive training and an APM PMQ exam (previously known as the APMP qualification). However, those completely new to the project management profession are more likely to start with a Project Fundamentals course and qualification such as APM PFQ.

So why would a project manager who does have experience put themselves through a very rigorous training program and an exam at the end of the program. There are several reasons to do both, so let’s take a look at a couple of them.

First of all, who should think about taking the program and the exam? Should a new project manager do it or one that has experience? Well if you are a project manager and you have about 2-3 years of project management experience, this would be perfect for you. So now that we have that out of the way let’s see why a project manager would want to take the course and take the exam.

One reason is because of the distinction it will bring you. Major organizations including Siemens, Network Rail and even the Ministry of Defence will look at you with a lot more respect because you took the course and passed the exam. This is not something that the average project manager is doing, and when you go through a program with an accredited training program, it speaks volumes for you. This is something that is awesome to add to your career portfolio. This will help you stand out from the rest.

Now maybe you are the type of person who likes respect but is more concerned with how is this going to help my pocket. The truth of the matter is that the person who takes the course and passes the APM PMQ exam usually makes about £10k more than the average project manager, and £10k more is not something to take lightly. Maybe you are a project manager and have been for a while and have not made what you feel you are worth, taking this course and passing the exam could get you where you need to be.

Now the exam itself is quite challenging, but this is why it has value in the market place. Chances are the average project manager may need some help in preparing for the exam. As a matter of fact the course itself and the exam are being promoted from the Association for project management APM in the UK.

Now if you feel that taking the exam would be a benefit to you in moving up the corporate ladder, you need to visit Parallel Project Training. One of their many professional project management courses is the a five day APM PMQ course that will make sure you are ready for the exam. The exam is a three hour written exam, so you need to be prepared. The great thing about the course is that it is taught by a qualified tutor who has real project management experience, so when they teach you, you will be able to apply it in real life situations. They even have it set up where you can download a podcast onto your media player and listen to the hot topics of the exam at your leisure.

The reality is that the highest commodity that you have is yourself. You may as well invest in yourself, so you can command the salary you are looking for, and be able to market yourself better. Take the course, pass the exam and start earning what you are worth.

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