Friday, May 10, 2024

The latest news from the world of project management

How to fail well...

Failure Is the new success. Here are five ways that you can embrace...

5 Skills Needed To...

Why do projects fail? It's a question that invites a lot of interest and...

Embrace the change: Getting...

New IT systems for a growing business can be an exciting prospect and...

Does a Project Manager...

What makes a successful project manager is a combination of their academic abilities,...
HomePM Software

Category: PM Software

7 Project Management Tools that...

Today, project management tools available on a...

What is a Gantt Chart?

When Henry Gantt invented his planning chart...

How To Best Manage Resources In A Project

The general features of a project management software include scheduling, costing, budgeting, controlling, management and communication. However an important function of any project management solution is resource management. This covers all types of resources including human, equipment, materials and costs. Nowadays businesses can work efficiently only by managing resources. With materials and costs things are pretty easy: you buy a stock and it is yours. Human resource management is not the same. You can not just own a human resource, but need to retain one. With the help of a...

How To Manage...

A baseline as the name suggests is a line that is being used as a base for future measurement. It is a reference. In...

Is what you...

Effective communication between project stakeholders is always difficult and as my last article highlighted, misunderstanding and confusion are easily created. The key to effective...

Working With Subprojects...

Managing projects is not a trivial job. You need to have the necessary skills, experience and of course the right project management tools to...

Project Management –...

The mysterious critical path notion seems to put project managers in difficulty and especially the novice ones. However if anyone would take just a...

The 25 Most...

We are pleased to introduce an infographic highlighting some of the most important online project management applications. You will find in this infographic factual information...

Time Management In...

Time management is the act of planning, controlling and finally executing specific activities, especially to increase efficiency or productivity. It applies to a wide...

Project Management by...

I often see project managers spend hours using their project management software to track each variation to a task.  First it would take 2...

Project Management Software...

What comes to mind when you say project management software?  Typically Microsoft Project.  Maybe something like Primavera or another scheduling package but creating the...

Project Management Solutions...

Any business needs some management solutions to get organized and stay on the floating line. Unfortunately, many organizations are forced to rely on paper...

Learn More About Project Management

From starter to Chartered Project Professional , visiting Parallel Project Training to boost you project management career.