Thursday, September 12, 2024

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3 Preventable Tech Issues That Can Slow Down Any Project

Every project, simple or complex, is vulnerable to delays regardless of how well planned the schedule is. This is a jarring reality in the project management landscape.

More often than not, when delays surface, they cripple the workflow process and lead to project failure. Consequently, they leave us agonizing over the causes, and, in most cases, we call in expensive consultants to rescue the sinking ship.

But some of the causes are well-known. It’s safe to say that some delays happen out of pure ignorance. In this post, we’ll discuss three preventable tech issues that can slow down any project in any business small or large; and look at the best business advice for rectifying the issues.

Project tech issues

Connection Issues

Among tech issues that slow down projects, slow internet connections will always be the first culprit. To grasp how unreliable connection can delay your projects, we first need to understand the nature of the modern project management arena.

The project management landscape has taken a new guise thanks to the advent of remote working. Today, a content manager in New York City, a copywriter in San Diego, and a graphic designer in Canada, can collaborate with ease on a content marketing project.

The workplace is continually evolving, impelled by workforce shifts and change in employee models. Clearly, the tenets of the old business landscape where project teams were assembled within a single location are finding new meaning.

However, the recipe for project success has stood the test of time.

To succeed, you should foster a culture of communication, create a collaborative spirit, and be strategic in team building.

This way, you will instill trust and help the remote team to thrive on a shared mission to achieve the ultimate project goal.

But, how can one achieve all these in an era where face-to-face interaction is a rarity? The answer lies in technology.

Technology offers the remedy in the form of innovative tools like chat, project management, scheduling, video conferencing, collaboration, and workflow automation.

What you ought to know, however,  is that these tools are cloud-based by design and require a stable internet connection to function at optimal efficiency.

Slow internet connections can lead to communication breakdown, ineffective collaboration, hamper file sharing, and, ultimately, cripple project delivery.

Hardware issues

As we mentioned earlier, nowadays, project teams rely on cloud-based software systems to manage project tasks. As such, they accomplish most of the vital tasks in a virtual environment.

But, does this imply that the significance of hardware devices is on a downhill spiral? Not at all. You would make a big mistake to assume that by using cloud-based solutions, you don’t need hardware devices to accomplish your project.

Remember, a complete virtual environment IT stack consists of software and hardware. This means powerful project management software needs equally robust hardware (PC in this case) to work normally.

On the other hand, if you are working on a sensitive project, an insecure network can lead to data breaches. This can result in a violation of compliance rules and plunge the entire project into turmoil.

Moreover, if the relevant applications are not working correctly, project success will be threatened. For example, you need a properly-working web browser to access your cloud-based system.

Lastly, if your PC has multiple hardware or operating systems (OS) errors, there is a risk of the computer crashing in the middle of a project task. Depending on the severity of the damage, this can lead to permanent loss of critical files and data.

Luckily, there are many preventive measures that you can take to avert any impact of hardware issues on your project.

Not training staff properly

Does this even sound like a tech issue? Well, it’s superficial meaning doesn’t, but deep this statement talks about everything technology.

We mentioned that technology is the answer to the problems that bedevil project management. Right? Luckily, with the proliferation of new technologies, new, innovative project management solutions are coming in thick and fast.

To remain abreast of the new methods of management, you should adopt these solutions and features as they come. Doing so will open the door to infinite benefits, but it’ll also create a new situation.

You have to train employees and ensure that they are up to speed with the new software system. The process is ever-evolving and time-consuming.

It’s hardly surprising, then, that many people avoid training. Ultimately, they embark on projects with employees who cannot consistently use the software tools. As a result, they cannot reap the fullest benefits.


Technology plays an important role in streamlining and automating project management. The benefits of modern technologies are clear but tech issues can also impede project progress if people are not adequately trained.

We’ve highlighted three tech issues that are preventable so before you start your next project, take an in-depth look into these issues, and adopt the necessary measures to avoid them.

Besides these issues, there are plenty of other problems that can hinder project success. Analyze all these issues and ceate a strategy to prevent them from impeding your project progress.

Lisa Michaels is a freelance writer, editor and a thriving content marketing consultant from Portland. Being self-employed, she does her best to stay on top of the current trends in business and tech. Feel free to connect with her on Twitter @LisaBMichaels.

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