Saturday, April 27, 2024

The latest news from the world of project management

How to fail well...

Failure Is the new success. Here are five ways that you can embrace...

5 Skills Needed To...

Why do projects fail? It's a question that invites a lot of interest and...

Embrace the change: Getting...

New IT systems for a growing business can be an exciting prospect and...

Does a Project Manager...

What makes a successful project manager is a combination of their academic abilities,...

Category: General

How to use RAG Status...

Many projects and programmes use RAG status...

Using Covey’s Matrix to tame...

Good time management is something that often...

New Broom, Sweeps Lean! Four ROI, Efficiency and Productivity Hacks for The New IT Project Decision Maker

It IS tempting to make a grand, headline grabbing move to justify your organisation’s faith in you, investing in a new portfolio software application or churning your talent, for instance. When new to a role (in many business environments, not just IT Project Management), new managers tend to lean into making sweeping changes, it’s human nature. Often though, hindsight shows that making small tweaks could have been more productive. Rather than shake things up, it can be quicker, and less stressful to shape things up! If you’re new to a role, instead of slashing or splashing budget and drastically altering project team structure, how about looking at the small step changes you can make that can quickly unlock ROI. Less broom, more polish!

Everything You Need...

As anyone who ever made a conscious effort to learn something knows, learning is a difficult process. Throughout history, people have always searched for...

The 3 types...

I touched on the subject of the fundamentally different types of communication needed to create a successful project outcome in a post earlier this...

Why All Knowledge...

Knowledge workers lie at the heart of many businesses. They have high degrees of experience, expertise, as well as education. Their jobs mostly involve...

Project Management Strategies...

As a tech leader, you're responsible for leading a development team. Thus you're in control of all the technology deliverables that contribute to achieving...

How Are Tech...

The professional environment for a modern project manager is a diverse, multi-disciplined landscape. This complex fusion of information maintenance, personnel leadership, cost containment, and...

3 Preventable Tech...

Every project, simple or complex, is vulnerable to delays regardless of how well planned the schedule is. This is a jarring reality in the...

It’s good to...

One of the insights from this year’s AXELOS PPM benchmark report was that poor communication continues to be the biggest challenge hampering projects and...

IT’ll Be Alright...

Are you familiar with the TV show "It'll Be Alright In The Night?" It's a TV bloopers show, presented nowadays by Griff Rhys Jones,...

Context is key...

Originally published on I took a train to London recently. Train journeys are like being given the gift of time. Once settled, I like...

Learn More About Project Management

From starter to Chartered Project Professional , visiting Parallel Project Training to boost you project management career.