Saturday, July 27, 2024

The latest news from the world of project management

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Failure Is the new success. Here are five ways that you can embrace...

5 Skills Needed To...

Why do projects fail? It's a question that invites a lot of interest and...

Embrace the change: Getting...

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HomeGeneralPMI Synergy 2011...

PMI Synergy 2011 set to be very successful

Please join us for the fifth annual International Project Management Day with Synergy 2011. This education and networking event will be held on 3 November 2011 in London. You are invited to register at Project Management is a profession that is now being recognized for the international strategy it brings, allowing competitive advantage to those in practice.
The UK Chapter of Project Management Institute is the world’s largest project management member association. Synergy 2011 salutes the Project Management profession. Raising the profile of Project Management within the UK is our ultimate goal and making sure everyone is aware what a spectacular event this will be.

We are so delighted to announce that HRH The Princess Royal has confirmed her attendance as the guest of honour at Synergy 2011. Her Royal Highness is intimately involved in a multitude of initiatives and supporting the Project Management Day is beyond the scope of our expectations.

In addition to HRH The Princess Royal, we have a variety of high profile speakers who bring entertainment and knowledge to our event. These speakers have been involved with project management both directly and indirectly. Showcasing how project management spans across industries we have speakers from senior politicians to television celebrities sharing stories and actions with you. The presentations will showcase how these people have been involved in significant projects happening in the UK today. This event will allow you to engage your ambitions, open your mind and take with you tips and techniques you can utilize in your organization and career.

With the Olympics just around the corner we need to grasp every advantage we can in communications and transportation, and preparing for the changes we know are in our future. Project Management teaches continuous improvement, education that never stops and raising the bar on all levels of the profession. This event allows growth in self enhancement, provides strength for the profession and teaches excellence from experience shared by so many great professionals.

Sign up today and don’t delay as the list of speakers is phenomenal and investing your time at the event is guaranteed to provide results in your business. Visit us at, and on Twitter @PMIn. PMI is the driving force of the future and riding with the change is like soaring in the sky. Don’t get left behind, know the secrets and the path blazed in front of you, be there for the experience. As a sponsor the the event Parallel Project training is offering £100 of PMP certification  as part of this event.

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